What were you doing before you came to Spirit Studios?
I have been a professional musician, artist, and lecturer in Higher education for over a decade.
How did you get into music production?
I’ve always had a fascination with instruments, a range of genres and music technology.
Any areas of special interest?
I’m really into Minimalism, Electroacoustic music and Sonic Art.
What’s your proudest career achievement?
I supported a heroine of mine (twice), Pauline Oliveros at Wychwoord Barns, Toronto. She’s one of the most important experimental musicians to have ever lived.
What do you get up to outside of teaching?
I compose, produce and perform music. I’m a keen concert goer, gallery shuffler and tsundoku specialist.
What’s your favourite album/artist?
‘Music for 18 Musicians’, Steve Reich. It’s one of the most significant pieces of music composed in the twentieth century; brimming with beauty, musicianship and innovation.
What’s the best gig you’ve ever been to?
Björk at Campfield Market Hall was one of the best gigs I’ve been to.
What’s your musical guilty pleasure?
So full of artless jealousy is guilt… or Enya.
Tell us something people may not know about you
I have a claim for producing the world’s longest screen print.
Want to learn from Josh?
Josh is a Programme Leader at Spirit Studios for BA (Hons) Music Production.
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